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25 Apr 2024
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones No idea, sorry, better to ask the OpenEBS people 21:07:18
@aeonremnant:matrix.orgaeonremnantHas anyone used Mayastor with RDMA on Talos? Looking for performance characteristics and it's been hard tracking any down. 21:12:18
@_slack_taloscommunity_U029VFK9W6B:matrix.orgRobert Rotter
Damn, bad         advertisedSubnets:
            - <------------------ in etcd
@_slack_taloscommunity_U029VFK9W6B:matrix.orgRobert Rotter Yuhu, running local and cloud controlplanes together via Wireguard 22:54:02
@_slack_taloscommunity_U070RB2TKEX:matrix.orgDan Korel joined the room.23:19:36
@_slack_taloscommunity_U070RB2TKEX:matrix.orgDan Korel set a profile picture.23:19:38
@aeonremnant:matrix.orgaeonremnant *

I appreciate the help mate! Just setting up a zone for my DNS and a simple A record was enough for it!

Just incase people need it:
In TechnitiumDNS

  1. Make a DNS zone for your Omni API endpoint root domain, say omni.example.com would be example.com.
  2. Then make an A record to have the omni subdomain pointing at the local IPv4 address of the machine hosting Omni. Must be the network adapter attached to the Docker container.

After this the Talos installs should automagically discover Omni and assign like normal, just VERY fast.

@_slack_taloscommunity_U070RHQ78LS:matrix.orgSina Karimi joined the room.23:56:43
@_slack_taloscommunity_U070RHQ78LS:matrix.orgSina Karimi set a profile picture.23:56:44
26 Apr 2024
@_slack_taloscommunity_U070RB2TKEX:matrix.orgDan Korel changed their profile picture.01:05:21
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones
In reply to@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.org
to answer your questions: 1. Because of your version mixing 2. sure
(edited) ... e.g. ``` {"ts":1714075908009.4011,"caller":"kubelet/kubelet_node_status.go:92","msg":"Unable to register node with API server","node":{"name":"talos-hybrid-worker-0"},"err":"Post \"<>\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for,,, fd5c:6e1e:2983:a702:8ec:3fff:fefb:d915, not ... => ... e.g. ```xxx: {"ts":1714075908009.4011,"caller":"kubelet/kubelet_node_status.go:92","msg":"Unable to register node with API server","node":{"name":"talos-hybrid-worker-0"},"err":"Post \"<>\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, not ...
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam I did some digging and I see pvc and pv being displayed, and path exists until /var/openebs/ . but not local/pvc-0f3db53f-25e1-4a76-ae5d-2c2e81498771 . however i do see pv and pvc pvc-0f3db53f-25e1-4a76-ae5d-2c2e81498771 listed when i get and they are bound . could this be something to do with talos? 🤔 10:19:40
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones I don't know enough about how OpenEBS manages the volumes on the file system to answer. As far as Talos goes, if you're just mounting a user disk, make sure it's the same disk (i.e. using /dev/disk/by-id) 10:22:27
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam > if you're just mounting a user disk, make sure it's the same disk sorry, if this is referred to having mention extraMount in machineconfig, its included already.
      - destination: /var/openebs
       type: bind
       source: /var/openebs
        - bind
        - rshared
        - rw
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones You're just using the system disk as backing for OpenEBS? 10:25:31
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam yes 10:25:57
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam i was under an impression that if we use --preserve=true flag, the data would stay intact. 10:27:15
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones that's really not a good idea. Talos should "own" the entire system disk, and you should assigned secondary storage user disks for workloads. Many operations in Talos will just wipe the system disk as it's assumed to be ephemeral. 10:27:21
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones > i was under an impression that if we use --preserve=true flag, the data would stay intact. it will, but that doesn't protect you from forgetting that flag on a command and wiping the disk entirely 10:28:21
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam > you should assigned secondary storage user disks for workloads can i ask if you can provide bit more on this, please? sorry, not following. does secondary storage mean taking backup using velero or similar and keep it in object stores like s3? 10:33:09
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones no, just another block device/disk to the machine 10:33:28
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam just to clarify. is it this? 10:35:28
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones yes 10:36:02
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06B8V68LFM:matrix.orgRam ok its there then. sorry i misunderstood earlier 10:36:17
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06L2NBN2TA:matrix.orgInjo I am facing a network issue with (only) Talos nodes. I recently got a new switch, Aruba 1960 and the 5 Talos nodes see regular links going down and back up. Im looking at the machineconfig documentation but I don't see whether its possible to force 1Gbps fixed, instead of the default autosensing. Is this possible? 12:29:15
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06RFN75DNZ:matrix.orgServe Is it correct that the virtual IP only moves to another machines when executing
talosctl reboot
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones Not really, I normally would force this on the switch side than the host... 13:27:54
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones not only, but it's better to allow Talos warning that it is going to shut down so it can do so cleanly than "pull the plug" so-to-speak. Basically the VIP is assigned via etcd election, so cleanly shutting down the node allows Talos to denounce leadership of the VIP and initiate an election and hand over the VIP with minimal interference. If you just kill the Talos machine with the VIP, there will be a noticeable delay in that process since the leader election has to time out first before a new Talos VIP leader can be elected and assigned the VIP, but it will happen eventually. 13:31:19
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06V2EQF2PP:matrix.orgBianca Pereira Yes, that'd be great! 14:38:09
@_slack_taloscommunity_U06D77LQXTP:matrix.orgSean Saperstein How about Monday 28th? We have time midday (10am Pacific). Would that work for you? 14:51:31

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