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29 Apr 2024
@_slack_taloscommunity_U070WKZ18DU:matrix.orgPascal van Maanen changed their display name from _slack_taloscommunity_U070WKZ18DU to Pascal van Maanen.09:58:26
@_slack_taloscommunity_U070WKZ18DU:matrix.orgPascal van Maanen set a profile picture.09:58:28
@_slack_taloscommunity_UG8G8UMMG:matrix.orgTim Jones talosctl mounts will show you that finromation 10:01:52
@_slack_taloscommunity_UEGUHLTR9:matrix.orgAndrew Rynhard Cool! I’m trying to get Talos running with something like kata. I think Talos as a pod using a secure runtime could be super cool. 11:28:19
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen yea I was interrupted by real work so will get back to it later.. 🙂 11:31:35
@_slack_taloscommunity_U05Q3E4D5KK:matrix.orgAndrew I cannot wait to hear of kata progress! 11:48:08
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen lesson learned, how to screw up your 3-pod-cp cluster.. restart all 3 pods at the same time --> all etcd members change their IP addresses --> no quorum --> no apiserver 😄 12:46:26
@_slack_taloscommunity_U05Q3E4D5KK:matrix.orgAndrew that's a good thing tho, you re-discovered the opening quote of chapter 12 SRE Book on your own and you will never forget this lesson https://sre.google/sre-book/effective-troubleshooting/ 12:48:41
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen been there done that sooo many times! 12:50:48
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen worst case ever was Solaris tcp stack slowing down because it kept a route cache which kept growing and the hash algorithm sucked so when this box was acting as a web proxy for a million users the cache would fill up with millions of entries.. and there was only one route out of the box :facepalm: 12:52:03
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen the only way to flush the cache was to artificially create a condition where the kernel though it's running out of memory 12:52:35
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen so we made a balloon driver 12:52:40
@_slack_taloscommunity_U05Q3E4D5KK:matrix.orgAndrew I would have really liked working on Solaris systems back in the day 12:52:54
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen not sure if that bug has been fixed even today 12:52:59
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen many awesome things about solaris and we still have customers running SPARC boxes.. but I digress 12:54:38
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen I'm just thinking how do I prevent this kind of etd mayhem in the future.. Andrew Rynhard any ideas? 12:55:35
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen tl;dr - if all my virtual CP nodes (pods) restart, all of them get new IPs -> etcd is dead 12:56:05
@_slack_taloscommunity_U05Q3E4D5KK:matrix.orgAndrew a hacky solution I can think of is to use kyverno to implement a policy that at least 1 of these pods must be in a ready state at all times. 13:05:15
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen I guess I could build a etcd discovery server.. or use DNS SRV discovery somehow 13:07:54
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen 🐔 🥚 ♻️ 13:24:58
@_slack_taloscommunity_U05Q3E4D5KK:matrix.orgAndrew "so how do you ensure the etcd discovery server is always on? you use another kyverno policy to enforce that 😛 13:26:22
@_slack_taloscommunity_U04D6GJFUH3:matrix.orgJukka Väisänen I'm starting to think this isn't really doable with the current Talos etcd member discovery, after reading through a ton of source code.. so I will stick to single-node CP for now. 14:31:43
@_slack_taloscommunity_U07124Y24P7:matrix.orgNorman Nunley joined the room.15:07:50
@_slack_taloscommunity_U07124Y24P7:matrix.orgNorman Nunley changed their display name from _slack_taloscommunity_U07124Y24P7 to Norman Nunley.15:07:50
@_slack_taloscommunity_U07124Y24P7:matrix.orgNorman Nunley set a profile picture.15:07:51
@_slack_taloscommunity_U07124Y24P7:matrix.orgNorman Nunley changed their profile picture.15:07:52
@_slack_taloscommunity_U071TT2NLBS:matrix.orgoleg joined the room.15:15:03
@_slack_taloscommunity_U071TT2NLBS:matrix.orgoleg changed their display name from _slack_taloscommunity_U071TT2NLBS to oleg.15:15:04
@_slack_taloscommunity_U071TT2NLBS:matrix.orgoleg set a profile picture.15:15:05
@_slack_taloscommunity_U023BNVNRU0:matrix.orgEndre Karlson Reason earlier asking for disk usage command talos mounts is that I get a full disk message when trying to start a pod on Talos and then getting the below
  Warning  FailedMount  12s   kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-h4884" : write /var/lib/kubelet/pods/81e228a8-3cc4-4d12-ab4d-0690ea4848de/volumes/kubernetes.io~projected/kube-api-access-h4884/..2024_04_29_17_49_24.825184148/ca.crt: no space left on device
Even though
talosctl  -n mounts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
NODE            FILESYSTEM                    SIZE(GB)     USED(GB)   AVAILABLE(GB)   PERCENT USED   MOUNTED ON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             devtmpfs                      8.34         0.00       8.34            0.00%          /dev                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tmpfs                         8.38         0.00       8.37            0.04%          /run                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tmpfs                         8.38         0.00       8.38            0.00%          /system   tmpfs                         0.07         0.00       0.07            0.00%          /tmp   overlay                       0.01         0.01       0.00            100.00%        /   tmpfs                         8.38         0.00       8.38            0.00%          /dev/shm   tmpfs                         8.38         0.00       8.38            0.00%          /etc/cri/conf.d/hosts   overlay                       8.38         0.00       8.38            0.00%          /usr/etc/udev   overlay                       8.38         0.00       8.38            0.00%          /usr/local/lib/containers/talos-vmtoolsd   /dev/sda5                     0.10         0.01       0.09            6.27%          /system/state   /dev/sda6                     84.57        19.80      64.77           23.42%         /var   overlay                       84.57        19.80      64.77           23.42%         /etc/cni   overlay                       84.57        19.80      64.77           23.42%         /etc/kubernetes   overlay                       84.57        19.80      64.77           23.42%         /usr/libexec/kubernetes   overlay                       84.57        19.80      64.77           23.42%         /opt
How can it then get no space left? 🤔

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