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4 Jan 2020
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S
[ Tools ] Collection of Binary Exploitation Tools
  1. Heap : libheap – Python library to examine ptmalloc
  2. Heap : heap-viewer – IDA plugin to examine the heap
  3. Heap : GEF Heap Exploitation Tools
  4. Debug : Dr Memory – Memory Debugger for Linux , Windows , Mac , Android
  5. Debug : GDB Peda
  6. Debug : Pwndbg
  7. Debug : GEF – Gdb Enhanced Features
  8. Playground : Old Vulnerable App
  9. Playground : Pwnable.tw
  10. Playground : XiphosResearch’s POC exploits
  11. Playground : Exploit-db
  12. Playground : exploit-me ARM Lab
  13. Shellcode : Shellcode Database
  14. Shellcode : Sickle Shellcode Development Tool
  15. Shellcode : shellnoob – Writing Shellcode
  16. Shellcode : shelllen – Interactive Shellcoding Environment
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S [ Workshops ] Binary Exploitation Workshops Collection
  1. Hardenedlinux’s Linux Exploit Developemnt ( Chinese )
  2. Hardenedlinus’s Kernel Mitigation 101 ( Chinese )
  3. C/C++ – Stack Based Buffer Overflow Hands-on
  4. Blackhoodie-2018 Linux Binary Exploitation Workshop
  5. Nnamon’s Linux Binary Exploitation Workshop
  6. Nnamon’s Practical Ret 2 Libc Workshop
  7. r0hi7’s BinExp – Linux Exploitation Workshop
  8. ARM – BsidesMunich2018 Workshop
  9. Billy-Ellis ARM Exploitation Challenges
  10. ARMPwn – Learn Memory Corruption on ARM
  11. BinTut – Live Demonstration of Memory Corruption Exploitation
  12. ROP Emporium -Teaching ROP Exploitation Techniques
  13. Smashing the Browser – Discover Vuln to Exploit
  14. Awesome-Browser-Exploits
  15. Yookiterm’s Exploitation Course ( Slides / Challenges / Challenge Files / Solutions )
  16. DC416 : Introduction to x64 Linux Exploit ( Slides / Vuln03 solution )
  17. Sam Bowne’s Exploit Development for Beginners Workshop [ Bof without shellcode , 64bit Overflow , Linux BoF with shellcode , Metasploit shellcode practice ]
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S


Thanks to the internet!


Linux Internals

Misc.  Internals

  1. C Function Calls Convention on the Stack
  2. The Anatomy of an Executable
  3. Introducing Character Sets & Encoding
  4. An Introduction to Writing System & Unicode
Many But Finite – Computer System Sieries
Operating System
  1. x86 nasm Assembly Quick Reference
  2. Intel Pentium Instruction Set
  3. Win32 Assembly
  4. cgasm – Offline Assembly Documentation
  5. x86 Op Code & Instruction Reference
  6. Linux System Call Table
  7. Linux Sys Call Ref
  8. NASM Tutorial
  1. Getting Started with windbg ( User mode )
  2. Getting Started with windbg ( Kernel mode )
  3. Getting Started with windbg #1
  4. Getting Started with windbg #2
  5. Getting Started with windbg #3
  6. GDB Command Reference
[ Videos ]
  1. Debug : The Secret Lives of Debuggers


[ Workshops ] Reverse Engineering Workshops Collection
  1. Nnamon’s Reverse Engineering & Exploitation Workshop
  2. Reverse Engineering Workshop – Sprout 2018
  3. Reversing Workshop : Solving Flare-on 2016
  4. Reverse Engineering Malware 101 – Malware Unicorn


[ Series ] Security Sift ‘s Windows exploitation Blog Posts

  1. Basics
  2. Introduction to Stack Overflow
  3. Changing offsets & Rebased modules
  4. Locating shellcode jump
  5. Locating shellcode Egg hunting
  6. SEH exploits
  7. Unicode Buffer Overflows
[ Series ] Corelan.be Windows Exploit Development blog posts
  1. https://www.corelan.be/index.php/articles/ ( Windows )
  2. https://www.corelan.be/index.php/forum/exploit-writing-tutorials-linux/ ( Linux )
[Series ] Sploitfun Linux Exploitation Tutorials Series
  1. Classic Stack Based Buffer Overflow
  2. Integer Overflow
  3. Off-by-One Stack Based
  4. Bypassing NX using return to libc
  5. Bypassing NX using chained return to libc
  6. Bypassing ASLR using return to PLT
  7. Bypassing ASLR using Bruteforce
  8. Bypassing ASLR using GOT Overwrite and GOT Deference
  9. Understanding glibc malloc()
  10. Heap Overflow using unlink()
  11. Heap Overflow using Malloc Maleficarum
  12. Off-by-one Heap Based
  13. Use After Free
[ Series ] Dhaval Kapil’s Linux Exploitation Tutorials
  1. Buffer Overflow Exploit
  2. Shellcode Injection
  3. Heap Exploitation Book
[ Series ] The Amazing King – Windows Exploitation Tutorials
  1. Overview
  2. Stack Corruption for newbies
  3. EIP Redirection
  4. Execution Arbitary Code
  5. SFP overwrite
  6. Format Strings Bug
[ Series ] The Grey Corner Windows Exploitation Tutorials
  1. Simple Stack based BoF Tutorial for vulnerable server
  2. SEH based BoF Tutorial for vulnerable server
  3. Egg Hunter based Exploit for vulnerable server
  4. Restricted Character Set exploit for vulneraable server
[ Series ] Fuzzy Security’s Windows + Linux exploitation Tutorials
  1. http://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials.html
[ Series ] Azeria Labs for ARM Exploitation
  1. https://azeria-labs.com/
[Series ] GB_Master’s x86 Exploitation Tutorials
  1. Assembly 101 – Part 1 – Basic
  2. Assembly 101 – Part 2 – Conditional jumps , Logic and Shifiting
  3. Assembly 101 – Part 3 – Multiplications , Repetition and Switches
  4. Exploitation 101 – Part 1 – Stack gets over its Head
  5. Exploitation 101 – Part 2 – Born in a Shell
  6. Exploitation 101 – Part 3 – Heap Overflow , Unlink me , would you please?
  7. Exploitation 101 – Part 4 – First Witchy House
  8. Exploitation 101 – Part 5 – House of Mind : Undead and Loving it
  9. Exploitation 101 – Part 6 – House of Force : Jedi Overflow
  10. Exploitation 101 – Part 7 – House of Lore : People and Traditions
  11. Exploitation 101 – Part 8 – House of Spirit : Friendly Stack Overflow
  12. Exploitation 101 – Part 9 – Off-by-One and Uninvited friend joins the Party
  13. Exploitation 101 – Part 10 – Integer Overflow : Adding one more ….AAAAAAnd it’s gone
  14. Exploitation 101 – Part 11 – Format Strings : I will tell ya what to say
[ Series ] Metasploit Unleashed – Exploit Development
  1. Exploit Module Format
  2. Exploit Mixins
  3. Exploit Targets
  4. Exploit Payloads
  5. Getting Shell
[ Tutorials ] Exploit Dev Tutorials from multiple resources
  1. Stack : BoF with edb-debugger
  2. Stack : Stack Based Overflow on x64 Linux
  3. Stack : Binary Exploitation ELIF5 – ( Part 1 / Part 2 )
  4. Shellcode : Shellcoding for Windows & Linux
  5. Shellcode : Understanding Shellcode : Reverse Shell
  6. Shellcode : How to write an egg hunter shellcode
  7. Shellcode : Shellcode Debugging with Ollydgb
  8. Shellcode : Shellcode without Socket
  9. Shellcode : Shellcode Obfuscation #1
  10. Shellcode : Shellcode Obfuscation #2
  11. Binary : GOT & PLT for Pwning
  12. Binary : What are the GOT & PLT – part 1
  13. Binary : CPU , Memory and Buffer Overflow
  14. Mitigation : Bypass ASLR + NX ( Part 1 , Part 2 )
  15. Mitigation : New bypass & Protection Techniques for ASLR on Linux
  16. Mitigation : Return to PLT , GOT to bypass ASLR remotely
  17. Mitigation : Return to libc on Modern 32 bit and 64 bit  Linux
  18. Mitigation : Make Stack Execution again
  19. Mitigation : Can we bruteforce ASLR?
  20. Mitigation : ROPping to Victory – Radare2 + pwntools ( Part 1 )
  21. Mitigation : ROPping to Victory – Split ( Part 2 )
  22. Mitigation : ROPping to Victory – Call me may be ( Part 3 )
  23. Mitigation : Introduction to Returned-Oriented-Programming ROP
  24. Mitigation : Introduction to ROP
  25. Mitigation : x64 Bit Linux ROP
  26. Mitigation : Return to LibC without function calls
  27. Mitigation : x86 / x64 BoF Exploits & Borrowed code chunks exploitation techniques
  28. Mitigation : Defeating DEP – The Immunity Debugger way
  29. Mitigation : Blind ROP ( BROP ) Lab / Paper
  30. Mitigation : Advanced Buffer Overflow Method
  31. Mitigation : Exploiting the Random Number Generator – ASLR Bypass
  32. Mitigation : Fun with Info Leaks ( DEP + ASLR Bypass )
  33. Mitigation : Bypassig Memory Protections – The Future of Exploitation
  34. Format Strings : GOT overwrite to change control flow remotely on ASLR
  35. Format Strings : Defeating Stack Canary, NX and ASLR remotely on 64 bit
  36. Format Strings : Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities
  37. Format Strings : Exploiting Format String – Getting the shell
  38. Format Strings : Maximum Over-kill Two – from Format String to RCE
  39. Heap : Exim Off-by-one RCE Exploiting CVE 2018-6789 with fully mitigations bypass
  40. Heap : CVE 2018-6789 Walkthrough
  41. Heap : Road to Exim RCE – Abusing unsafe memory allocator in the most popular MTA
  42. Heap : From heap to RIP
  43. Heap : GlibC malloc() for Exploiters / (Markdown Version)
  44. Heap : heapwn – Collection of Heap pwnables binaries
  45. Heap : how2heap – Educational Heap Exploitation Collection
  46. Heap : ptmalloc fanzine – Heap Meta-data Corruption Series
  47. Heap : Play with file structures – Yet another Binary exploit technique
  48. Heap : Exploiting the wilderness
  49. Heap : Heap Feng Shui in JavaScript
  50. Heap : Project HeartBleed
  51. Heap : An Introduction to Use-After-Free
  52. Heap : Walking Heap using Py-dbg
  53. Null-ptr Def : Large Memory Management Vulnerabilities
[ PDF ] Biarny Exploitation Papers and Slides
  1. Slide : Linux Interactive Exploit Development with GDB & Peda
  2. Slide : Understanding Heap by breaking it
  3. Book : Hackin9 – Build your own exploits
[ Videos ] Collection of Binary Exploitation random videos
  1. Exploit Tips & Techniques
  2. 23c3 : Unusual Bugs
  3. ASLR Bypass – Bruteforce
  4. ASLR Bypass – Ret2esp
  5. ASLR Bypass – Ret2reg
[ Tools ] Collection of Binary Exploitation Tools
  1. Heap : libheap – Python library to examine ptmalloc
  2. Heap : heap-viewer – IDA plugin to examine the heap
  3. Heap : GEF Heap Exploitation Tools
  4. Debug : Dr Memory – Memory Debugger for Linux , Windows , Mac , Android
  5. Debug : GDB Peda
  6. Debug : Pwndbg
  7. Debug : GEF – Gdb Enhanced Features
  8. Playground : Old Vulnerable App
  9. Playground : Pwnable.tw
  10. Playground : XiphosResearch’s POC exploits
  11. Playground : Exploit-db
  12. Playground : exploit-me ARM Lab
  13. Shellcode : Shellcode Database
  14. Shellcode : Sickle Shellcode Development Tool
  15. Shellcode : shellnoob – Writing Shellcode
  16. Shellcode : shelllen – Interactive Shellcoding Environment
[ Workshops ] Binary Exploitation Workshops Collection
  1. Hardenedlinux’s Linux Exploit Developemnt ( Chinese )
  2. Hardenedlinus’s Kernel Mitigation 101 ( Chinese )
  3. C/C++ – Stack Based Buffer Overflow Hands-on
  4. Blackhoodie-2018 Linux Binary Exploitation Workshop
  5. Nnamon’s Linux Binary Exploitation Workshop
  6. Nnamon’s Practical Ret 2 Libc Workshop
  7. r0hi7’s BinExp – Linux Exploitation Workshop
  8. ARM – BsidesMunich2018 Workshop
  9. Billy-Ellis ARM Exploitation Challenges
  10. ARMPwn – Learn Memory Corruption on ARM
  11. BinTut – Live Demonstration of Memory Corruption Exploitation
  12. ROP Emporium -Teaching ROP Exploitation Techniques
  13. Smashing the Browser – Discover Vuln to Exploit
  14. Awesome-Browser-Exploits
  15. Yookiterm’s Exploitation Course ( Slides / Challenges / Challenge Files / Solutions )
  16. DC416 : Introduction to x64 Linux Exploit ( Slides / Vuln03 solution )
  17. Sam Bowne’s Exploit Development for Beginners Workshop [ Bof without shellcode , 64bit Overflow , Linux BoF with shellcode , Metasploit shellcode practice ]
[ Fuzzing ] Collections of Fuzzing Resources
  1. Tutorial : An Introduction to Fuzzing
  2. Tutorial : An introudction to fuzzing – Automated security testing approach
  3. Tutorial : The art of Fuzzing – Slides & Demos
  4. Tutorial : Hack the Hacker : Fuzzing Mimikatz on Windows with WinAFL & Heatmaps
  5. Tutorial : Fuzzing Arbitrary Functions in ELF Binaries
  6. Tutorial : A year of windows kernel font fuzzing #1 – result by Project Zero
  7. Tutorial : A year of windows kernel font fuzzing #2 – techniques by Project Zero
  8. Tutorial : Fuzzing workflow – A fuzz job from start to finish
  9. Tutorial : 15 mins Guide to Fuzzing by MWR
  10. Tutorial : Simple Fuzzing with zzuff #1 by fuzzing-project
  11. Tutorial : Find more Bug with Address Sanitizer #2 by fuzzing-project
  12. Tutorial : Instrumented Fuzzing with American Fuzzy Loop #3 by fuzzing-project
  13. Tutorial : Know your CFLAGS – Tips to find bug with compiler features by fuzzing-project
  14. Tutorial : Disabling Custom Memory Allocators by fuzzing-project
  15. Tutorial : Libfuzzer Tutorial
  16. Tutorial : How Heartbleed could have been found
  17. Tutorial : Compiler Fuzzing #1
  18. Tutorial : FFmpeg and a thousands fixes
  19. Tutorial : Introducing jsfunfuzz
  20. Tutorial : 7 Tips to consider before fuzzing Open source Large Project
  21. AFL : Basic Usage of AFL with realworld examples
  22. AFL : Advanced AFL usage with realworld examples –preeny and dictionaries
  23. AFL : Advanced AFL usage with realworld examples — Persistent mode
  24. AFL : More advanced AFL usage with realworld examples — fuzzing libraries
  25. AFL : A Gentle Introduction to fuzzing C++ code with AFL & libfuzzer
  26. AFL : Fuzzing openSSH daemon using AFL
  27. AFL : Fuzzing Capstone using AFL
  28. AFL : RAM , Disks and saving your SSD from AFL fuzzing
  29. AFL : Bug Hunting with American Fuzzy Loop
  30. AFL : Segfaulting Python with afl-fuzz
  31. AFL : How to fuzz a server with AFL
  32. AFL : Fuzzing Projects with American Fuzzy Loop
  33. Peach : Peach Tutorials
  34. Peach : Fuzzing with Peach #1
  35. Peach : Fuzzing with Peach #2
  36. Video : Fuzzing 101 from Hack-Night
  37. Video : Fuzzing Lecture #1 from W. Owen Redwood
  38. Video : Fuzzing Lecture #2 fromW. Owen Redwood
  39. Video : Fuzzing Lecture from Free Software Security Course
  40. PDF : The Evolving Art of Fuzzing
  41. PDF : Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing
  42. PDF : How Hacker Look for Bug
  43. PDF : Real World Fuzzing
  44. PDF : Effective Bug Discovery
  45. PDF : Effective File Format Fuzzing
  46. PDF : Fuzzing Frameworks
  47. PDF : Fuzzing for fun & for $$$$
  48. PDF : MBFuzzer – MITM Fuzzing for Mobile Applications
  49. PDF : The Art of File Format Fuzzing
  50. PDF : Wifi – Advanced Fuzzing
  51. PDF : Analysis of Mutation & Generation-Based Fuzzing
  52. PDF : Introducing Sulley fuzzing framework
  53. PDF : Grammar-based White Box Fuzzing
  54. PDF : zzuf – Multi purpose fuzzer
  55. PDF : CS558 – Fuzzing Lab
  56. Blog : Fuzzing Blog #1
  57. Blog : Fuzzing Blog #2
  58. Blog : Fuzzing Blog #3
  59. Lab : From fuzzing to zero day
  60. Lab : A Practical Example ( AFL vs Binutils )
  61. Lab : AFL Training Workshop
  62. Lab : libfuzzer Training Workshop
  63. Lab : Fuzzing with spike
  64. Lab : Fuzzing with Failure Observation Engine
  65. Lab : FuzzGoat – Vulnerable C Program for Testing Fuzzers
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S
[ Kernel ] Collections of Kernel Exploitation
  1. Linux : Linux Kernel Exploit – Environment
  2. Linux : Linux Kernel Exploit – Stack Smashing
  3. Linux : Linux Kernel Exploit – Null Deference
  4. Linux : Kernel Driver : mmap handler exploitation
  5. Windows : Setting up a Windows VM lab for Kernel Debugging
  6. Windows : A primer to Windows x64 Shellcoding
  7. Windows : First exploit in Windows Kernel ( HEVD )
  8. Windows : Arbitrary write Primitive on Windows Kernel ( HEVD )
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S [ Forum ] 0x00sec’s Exploit Development Discussions
  1. https://0x00sec.org/c/exploit-development
[Issues ] Phrack’s issues for Exploit Development
  1. Smashing the Stack for Fun & Profit
  2. Weakening the Linux Kernel
  3. Frame Pointer Overwriting
  4. Bypassing Stack Guard & Stack Shield
  5. Shared Library redirection via ELF PLT infection
  6. Smashing C++ VPTRs
  7. Backdooring Binary Objects
  8. Introduction to PAM
  9. Exploiting Non-Adjacent Memory Spaces
  10. Writing MIPS/Irix Shellcode
  11. IA64 Shellcode
  12. Vudo Malloc Tricks
  13. Once upon a free()
  14. Architecture Spanning Shellcode
  15. Writing ia32 Alphanumeric Shellcodes
  16. Advanced return-to-libc exploits (PaX Case Study )
  17. Runtime Binary Encryption
  18. Advances in Kernel Hacking
  19. Linux on the fly kernel patching without LKM
  20. Linux x86 Kernel function hooking emulation
  21. Developing Strong ARM Linux Shellcode
  22. HP-UX (PA-RISC 1.1) Overflows
  23. Handling the Interrupt Descriptor Table
  24. Advances in kernel hacking II
  25. Advances in format string exploitation
  26. Runtime process infection
  27. Bypassing PaX ASLR protection
  28. Building ptrace injecting shellcodes
  29. Linux/390 shellcode development
  30. Playing with Windows /dev/(k)mem
  31. Smashing The Kernel Stack For Fun And Profit
  32. Burning the bridge: Cisco IOS exploits
  33. Static Kernel Patching
  34. Big Loop Integer Protection
  35. Basic Integer Overflows
  36. Advanced Doug Lea’s malloc exploits
  37. Hijacking Linux Page Fault Handle
  38. The Cerberus ELF interface
  39. Polymorphic Shellcode Engine
  40. Infecting Loadable Kernel Modules
  41. Building IA32 ‘Unicode-Proof’ Shellcodes
  42. Hacking the Linux Kernel Network Stack
  43. Kernel Rootkit Experiences & the Future
  44. Bypassing Win BO Protection
  45. Kernel Mode Backdoor for NT
  46. Advances in Windows Shellcode
  47. UTF8 Shellcode
  48. Attacking Apache Modules
  49. Win32 Portable Userland Rootkit
  50. Bypassing Windows Personal FW’s
  51. OSX heap exploitation techniques
  52. Games with kernel Memory…FreeBSD Style
  53. Embedded ELF Debugging
  54. Hacking Grub for Fun & Profit
  55. Shifting the Stack Pointer
  56. PowerPC Cracking on OSX with GDB
  57. Attacking the Core: Kernel Exploitation Notes
  58. Mac OS X Wars – A XNU Hope
  59. Hacking deeper in the system
  60. Abusing the Objective C runtime
  61. Backdooring Juniper Firewalls
  62. Exploiting DLmalloc frees in 2009
  63. Exploiting UMA : FreeBSD kernel heap exploits
  64. Malloc Des-Maleficarum
  65. Alphanumeric RISC ARM Shellcode
  66. Power cell buffer overflow
  67. Binary Mangling with Radare
  68. Linux Kernel Heap Tampering Detection
  69. Kernel instrumentation using kprobes
  70. ProFTPD with mod_sql pre-authentication, remote root
  71. The House Of Lore: Reloaded ptmalloc v2 & v3: Analysis & Corruption
  72. A Eulogy for Format Strings
  73. Dynamic Program Analysis and Software Exploitation
  74. Exploiting Memory Corruptions in Fortran Programs Under Unix/VMS
  75. Scraps of notes on remote stack overflow exploitation
  76. Android Kernel Rootkit
  77. Pseudomonarchia jemallocum
  78. Infecting loadable kernel modules: kernel versions 2.6.x/3.0.x
  79. The Art of Exploitation: MS IIS 7.5 Remote Heap Overflow
  80. The Art of Exploitation: Exploiting VLC, a jemalloc case study
  81. Modern Objective-C Exploitation Techniques
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S


Offline Labs
Online Labs
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S
Online Labs
Vulnerable Machines
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S Wiki
Building Pentest Labs

@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S

Security Open Courseware

1.Learning Computer Security and Ethical Hacking
2.Computer and Network Security – CNS
3.CSE 484 : Computer Security
4.CS 527 : Software Security
5.PA 193 : Secure Coding Principles and Practices
6.CNIT 127 : Exploit Development
7.CNIT 40 : DNS Security
8.CNIT 152 : Incident Response
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S 9.CNIT 126 : Practical Malware Analysis
10.CNIT 123 : Ethical Hacking and Network Defense
11.CNIT 124 : Advanced Ethical Hacking
12.CNIT 128 : Hacking Mobile Devices
13.CNIT 129S : Securing Web Applications
14.CNIT 141 : Cryptography for Computer Networks
15.Open Security Training Courses
  • Videos , Codes , Slides , Labs VM
  • http://opensecuritytraining.info/Training.html
  • Android , CISSP , Network Hunting , Hacking techniques &
    Intrusion detection , x86 / x64 Assembly , ARM , Cellular , Network
    forensics , Secure coding , Vulnerability assement , web , pcap analysis
    , Linux & Windows exploits , Reverse engineering , Rootkits ,
    Malware Analysis , Keylogging
16.SIL 765 : Network & System Security
17.CS260 : Binary Analysis for Computer Security
18.Live Overflow Channel
19.Modern Binary Exploitation Course
20.W. Owen Redwood’s  Hack All The Things
21.NYU Tandon’s OSIRIS’s Hack-Night
22.Hackers Hut


@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S


  • Hacking Zines
  • https://github.com/michalmalik/linux-re-101 – Linux RE 101
  • https://github.com/praetorian-inc/DVRF – Router Firmware
  • https://github.com/sagishahar/lpeworkshop – LPE workshop
  • https://github.com/trustedsec/ptf – Penetration Testing Framework
  • fastandeasyhacking.com  – Armitage
Linux enum
  • https://blog.g0tmi1k.com/2011/08/basic-linux-privilege-escalation/
  • https://github.com/rebootuser/LinEnumv
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O Shttps://manybutfinite.com/post/cpu-rings-privilege-and-protection/15:39:16
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S  .NET Framework EncoderParameter Integer Overflow Vulnerability .Net Framework Tilde Character DoS .NET Remoting Services Remote Command Execution  2X ApplicationServer 10.1 TuxSystem Class ActiveX Control Remote File Overwrite Vulnerability 2X Client for RDP 10.1.1204 ClientSystem Class ActiveX Control Download and Execute Vulnerability A10 Networks Loadbalancer - Directory Traversal  A10 Networks Loadbalancer - Directory Traversal  Aanval 7.1 build 70151 - Multiple Vulnerabilities  Aanval 7.1 build 70151 - Multiple Vulnerabilities  ABB MicroSCADA wserver.exe Remote Code Execution  ABB MicroSCADA wserver.exe Remote Code Execution  Ability Mail Server 2013 - Password Reset CSRF from Stored XSS (Web UI)  Ability Mail Server 2013 - Password Reset CSRF from Stored XSS (Web UI)  ACal 2.2.6 (example.php, view param) - Local File Inclusion Vulneberality  ACal 2.2.6 (example.php, view param) - Local File Inclusion Vulneberality  Acal calendar 2.2.6 CSRF Vulnerability Adobe ColdFusion 9 - Administrative Login Bypass  Adobe ColdFusion 9 - Administrative Login Bypass  Adobe ColdFusion 9 Administrative Login Bypass  Adobe ColdFusion 9 Administrative Login Bypass  Adobe Photoshop 12.1 Tiff Parsing Use-After-Free Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 U3D.8BI Collada Asset Elements Stack Overflow Adobe Reader for Android addJavascriptInterface Exploit  AdobeCollabSync Buffer Overflow Adobe Reader X Sandbox Bypass Adult Webmaster PHP - Password Disclosure  Adult Webmaster PHP - Password Disclosure  AfterLogic Pro and Lite - Stored XSS  AfterLogic Pro and Lite - Stored XSS  Agnitum Outpost Internet Security Local Privilege Escalation  Atlassian Confluence 5.2 / 5.8.14 / 5.8.15 - Multiple Vulnerabilities  AXIS Multiple Products - Authenticated Remote Command Execution via devtools Vector  BlackBerry Enterprise Service < 12.4 (BES12) Self-Service - Multiple Vulnerabilities  D-Link Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution Ezylog Photovoltaic Management Server Multiple Vulnerabilities freeFTPd 1.0.10 (PASS Command) - SEH Buffer Overflow  freeFTPd 1.0.10 (PASS Command) - SEH Buffer Overflow  GNU bash 4.3.11 Environment Variable dhclient Exploit  HP Data Protector 6.1 EXEC_CMD Remote Code Execution HP LoadRunner lrFileIOService ActiveX Remote Code Execution  HP LoadRunner lrFileIOService ActiveX Remote Code Execution  IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keyring Modules Service (IKEEXT) Missing DLL  IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keyring Modules Service (IKEEXT) Missing DLL  ImageCMS 4.0.0b Multiple Vulnerabilities Knowledge Base Enterprise Edition 4.62.00 SQL Injection Vulnerability Mediacoder 0.8.33 build 5680 - SEH Buffer Overflow Exploit Dos (.m3u) pfSense 2.1 build 20130911-1816 - Directory Traversal Samsung Galaxy KNOX Android Browser RCE Subrion CMS 2.2.1 CSRF Add Admin Exploit Symantec Workspace Virtualization 6.4.1895.0 Local Kernel Mode Privilege Escalation Technicolor TC7200 - Credentials Disclosure Tincd Post-Authentication Remote TCP Stack Buffer Overflow  TYPO3 Akronymmanager Extension 0.5.0 - SQL Injection  Webify Business Directory Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability Webify eDownloads Cart Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability Webify Photo Gallery Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability Windows Kernel - Bitmap Use-After-Free  Wireless Transfer App 3.7 iOS - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities  WordPress MoodThingy Widget v0.8.7 Blind SQL Injection xWPE 1.5.30a-2.1 - Local Buffer Overflow "Ra1NX" PHP Bot pubcall Authentication Bypass Remote Code Execution.NET Framework EncoderParameter Integer Overflow Vulnerability.Net Framework Execute Native x86 Shellcode .Net Framework Tilde Character DoS.NET Remoting Services Remote Command Execution .NET Runtime Optimization Service Privilege Escalation Exploit 0day [Hebrew] Digital Whisper Security Magazine #39[Raspberry Pi] Linux/ARM - execve("/bin/sh", [0], [0 vars]) - 30 bytes[Raspberry Pi] Linux/ARM - chmod("/etc/shadow", 0777) - 41 bytes[Raspberry Pi] Linux/ARM - reverse_shell(tcp,,0x1337)[Spanish] Hashcat Manual de Usuario[Turkish] Pen-Tester's Guide for Metasploit Framework1 Click Audio Converter 2.3.6 - Activex Buffer Overflow 1 Click Extract Audio 2.3.6 - Activex Buffer Overflow 15 TOTOLINK Router Models - Multiple RCE Vulnerabilities 2X ApplicationServer 10.1 TuxSystem Class ActiveX Control Remote File Overwrite Vulnerability2X Client for RDP 10.1.1204 ClientSystem Class ActiveX Control Download and Execute Vulnerability4 TOTOLINK Router Models - Backdoor Credentials 4 TOTOLINK Router Models - CSRF and XSS Vulnerabilities 4digits 1.1.4 - Local Buffer Overflow 4Images 1.7.13 - SQL Injection 4PSA VoipNow Professional 2.5.3 Multiple Vulnerabilities7-Technologies IGSS Multiple Vulnerabilities 8 TOTOLINK Router Models - Backdoor and RCE A Short Guide on ARM ExploitationA10 Networks Loadbalancer - Directory TraversalA10 Networks Loadbalancer - Directory Traversal Aanval 7.1 build 70151 - Multiple Vulnerabilities Aanval 7.1 build 70151 - Multiple Vulnerabilities AB Banner Exchange (index.php page) Local File InclusionABB MicroSCADA wserver.exe Remote Code ExecutionABB MicroSCADA wserver.exe Remote Code Execution ABBS Audio Media Player 3.0 .lst Buffer Overflow Exploit (SEH) ABBS Audio Media Player Buffer Overflow Exploit (M3U/LST) ABBS Electronic Flash Cards 2.1 .fcd Buffer Overflow Exploit Ability FTP Server 2.1.4 - Admin Panel AUTHCODE Command Remote DoS Ability FTP Server 2.1.4 - afsmain.exe USER Command Remote DoS Ability Mail Server 2013 - Password Reset CSRF from Stored XSS (Web UI)Ability Mail Server 2013 - Password Reset CSRF from Stored XSS (Web UI) ACal 2.2.6 (example.php, view param) - Local File Inclusion Vulneberality Acal calendar 2.2.6 CSRF VulnerabilityAccellion File Transfer Appliance MPIPE2 Command Execution Accellion FTA getStatus verify_oauth_token Command Execution Acoustica Pianissimo 1.0 Build 12 (Registration ID) Buffer Overflow PoC Acrobat Reader DC 15.008.20082.15957 - PDF Parsing Memory Corruption Vulnerability ActFax 4.31 Local Privilege Escalation ExploitActFax 5.01 RAW Server ExploitActFax Server (LPD/LPR) Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit ActFax Server FTP Remote BOF (post auth) ACTi ASOC 2200 Web Configurator <= v2.6 Remote Root Command Execution actiTIME 2015.2 - Multiple Vulnerabilities ActiveState Perl.exe x64 Client 5.20.2 - Crash PoC ActualAnalyzer 'ant' Cookie Command ExecutionActualAnalyzer 'ant' Cookie Command Execution ActualAnalyzer Lite 2.81 - Unauthenticated Command Execution  Acunetix 8 build 20120704 - Remote Stack Based Overflow  Acunetix 8 build 20120704 - Remote Stack Based Overflow Acunetix WP Security Plugin 3.0.3 - XSS Acunetix WVS 10 - Local Privilege escalationAcunetix WVS 10 - Local Privilege escalation Acunetix WVS 10 - Remote Command Execution (System) Ad Manager Pro Multiple VulnerabilitiesAd Manager Pro v. 4 LFIADAN Neuronlabs (view.php ) SQL Injection Vulnerability AdaptCMS 2.0.4 (config.php, question parameter) SQL Injection VulnerabilityAdaptCMS 3.0.3 - Multiple Vulnerabilities Adem 0.5.1 - Local File Inclusion ADH-Web Server IP-Cameras - Multiple Vulnerabilities Admidio 2.3.5 Multiple VulnerabilitiesAdminStudio LaunchHelp.dll ActiveX Arbitrary Code ExecutionAdobe Animate - Memory Corruption Adobe ColdFusion - Directory Traversal' Adobe ColdFusion < 11 Update 10 - XML External Entity Injection Adobe ColdFusion 9 - Administrative Login Bypass Adobe ColdFusion 9 Administrative Login Bypass Adobe Connect 9.5.7 - Cross-Site Scripting Adobe Digital Editions <= 4.5.0 - .pdf Critical Memory Corruption Adobe Flash - addProperty Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - BitmapData.copyPixels Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - Color.setTransform Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - Crash When Freeing Memory After AVC decoding Adobe Flash - Heap Overflow in ATF Processing (Image Reading) Adobe Flash - JXR Processing Out-of-Bounds Read Adobe Flash - Method Calls Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - MovieClip Transform Getter Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - MovieClip.duplicateMovieClip Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - MP4 File Stack Corruption Adobe Flash - Object.unwatch Use-After-Free Exploit Adobe Flash - Out-of-Bounds Read when Placing Object Adobe Flash - Overflow in Processing Raw 565 Textures Adobe Flash - Selection.setFocus Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - SetNative Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - Shape Rendering Crash Adobe Flash - SimpleButton Creation Type Confusion Adobe Flash - Sprite Creation Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - Stage.align Setter Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - TextField.maxChars Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - Transform.colorTranform Getter Info Leak Adobe Flash - Type Confusion in FileReference Constructor Adobe Flash - Uninitialized Stack Parameter Access in AsBroadcaster.broadcastMessage UaF Fix Adobe Flash - Uninitialized Stack Parameter Access in MovieClip.swapDepths UaF Fix Adobe Flash - Uninitialized Stack Parameter Access in Object.unwatch UaF Fix Adobe Flash - URLStream.readObject Use-After-Free Adobe Flash - Use-After-Free When Rendering Displays From Multiple Scripts Adobe Flash - Use-After-Free When Returning Rectangle Adobe Flash - Use-After-Free When Setting Stage Adobe Flash - Video Decompression Memory Corruption Adobe Flash - Zlib Codec Heap Overflow Adobe Flash BlurFilter Processing - Out-of-Bounds Memset Adobe Flash GradientFill - Use-After-Frees Adobe Flash IExternalizable.writeExternal - Type Confusion Adobe Flash MovieClip.lineStyle - Use-After-Frees Adobe Flash opaqueBackground Use After Free Adobe Flash Out-of-Bounds Memory Read While Parsing a Mutated SWF File Adobe Flash Out-of-Bounds Memory Read While Parsing a Mutated SWF File (2) Adobe Flash Out-of-Bounds Memory Read While Parsing a Mutated TTF File Embedded in SWF Adobe Flash Player 11.3 Font Parsing Code ExecutionAdobe Flash Player - '.SWF' ConstantPool Critical Memory Corruption Adobe Flash Player - 'ActionGetURL2' Out-of-Bounds Memory Corruption Adobe Flash Player AVM Bytecode Verification Adobe Flash Player AVM Verification Logic Array Indexing Code ExecutionAdobe Flash Player Drawing Fill Shader Memory Corruption  Adobe Flash Player Integer Underflow Remote Code Execution Adobe Flash Player Regular Expression Heap OverflowAdobe Flash Player Regular Expression Heap Overflow  Adobe Flash Player Shader Buffer OverflowAdobe Flash Player ShaderJob Buffer Overflow Adobe Flash TextField.antiAliasType Setter - Use-After-Free Adobe Flash TextField.gridFitType Setter - Use-After-Free Adobe Flash Type Confusion in IExternalizable.readExternal When Performing Local Serialization Adobe Flash Type Confusion in Serialization with ObjectEncoder.dynamicPropertyWriter Adobe Flash Use-After-Free in XML.childNodes Adobe Flash Use-After-Free When Setting Value Adobe Flash Use-After-Free When Setting Variable Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 Memory Corruption ExploitAdobe Photoshop 12.1 Tiff Parsing Use-After-FreeAdobe Photoshop CC & Bridge CC IFF File Parsing Memory Corruption Adobe Photoshop CC & Bridge CC PNG File Parsing Memory Corruption Adobe Photoshop CC & Bridge CC PNG File Parsing Memory Corruption 2 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 U3D.8BI Collada Asset Elements Stack OverflowAdobe Reader 10.1.4 Crash PoC Adobe Reader for Android 11.1.3 - Arbitrary JavaScript ExecutionAdobe Reader for Android 11.1.3 - Arbitrary JavaScript Execution Adobe Reader for Android addJavascriptInterface Exploit  Adobe Reader for Android addJavascriptInterface Exploit AdobeWorkgroupHelper - Stack Based Buffer Overflow Adult Webmaster PHP - Password DisclosureAdult Webmaster PHP - Password Disclosure Adult Webmaster Script Password Disclosure VulnerabilityAdvance MLM Script - SQL Injection Advanced Desktop Locker 6.0.0 - Lock Screen Bypass Advanced Electron Forum 1.0.9 - CSRF Vulnerabilities Advanced Electron Forum 1.0.9 - Persistent XSS Vulnerabilities Advanced Electron Forum 1.0.9 - RFI / CSRF Vulnerability Advantech EKI-6340 Command InjectionAdvantech Switch Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock) Advantech WebAccess 8.0, 3.4.3 ActiveX - Multiple Vulnerabilities Advantech WebAccess dvs.ocx GetColor Buffer Overflow Advantech WebAccess HMI/SCADA Software Persistence XSS VulnerabilityAdvertise With Pleasure! (AWP) 6.6 - SQL Injection Vulnerability AfterLogic Mailsuite Pro (VMware Appliance) 6.3 Stored XSS 15:40:27
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S

Windows stack overflows

Stack Base Overflow Articles.

Windows heap overflows

Heap Base Overflow Articles.

Kernel based Windows overflows

Kernel Base Exploit Development Articles.

Windows memory protections

Windows memory protections Introduction Articles.

Bypassing filter and protections

Windows memory protections Bypass Methods Articles.

Typical windows exploits

@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S

Exploit development tutorial series

Exploid Development Tutorial Series Base on Windows Operation System Articles.
    • Corelan Team
    • Fuzzysecurity
  • Securitysift
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S


Disassemblers, debuggers, and other static and dynamic analysis tools.
  • angr – Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework developed at UCSB’s Seclab.
  • BARF – Multiplatform, open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework.
  • binnavi – Binary analysis IDE for reverse engineering based on graph visualization.
  • Bokken – GUI for Pyew and Radare.
  • Capstone
    – Disassembly framework for binary analysis and reversing, with support
    for many architectures and bindings in several languages.
  • codebro – Web based code browser using clang to provide basic code analysis.
  • dnSpy – .NET assembly editor, decompiler and debugger.
  • Evan’s Debugger (EDB) – A modular debugger with a Qt GUI.
  • GDB – The GNU debugger.
  • GEF – GDB Enhanced Features, for exploiters and reverse engineers.
  • hackers-grep – A utility to search for strings in PE executables including imports, exports, and debug symbols.
  • IDA Pro – Windows disassembler and debugger, with a free evaluation version.
  • Immunity Debugger – Debugger for malware analysis and more, with a Python API.
  • ltrace – Dynamic analysis for Linux executables.
  • objdump – Part of GNU binutils, for static analysis of Linux binaries.
  • OllyDbg – An assembly-level debugger for Windows executables.
  • PANDA – Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis
  • PEDA – Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB, an enhanced display with added commands.
  • pestudio – Perform static analysis of Windows executables.
  • Process Monitor – Advanced monitoring tool for Windows programs.
  • Pyew – Python tool for malware analysis.
  • Radare2 – Reverse engineering framework, with debugger support.
  • SMRT – Sublime Malware Research Tool, a plugin for Sublime 3 to aid with malware analyis.
  • strace – Dynamic analysis for Linux executables.
  • Udis86 – Disassembler library and tool for x86 and x86_64.
  • Vivisect – Python tool for malware analysis.
  • X64dbg – An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
Disassemblers, debuggers, and other static and dynamic analysis tools.
  • angr – Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework developed at UCSB’s Seclab.
  • BARF – Multiplatform, open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework.
  • binnavi – Binary analysis IDE for reverse engineering based on graph visualization.
  • Bokken – GUI for Pyew and Radare.
  • Capstone
    – Disassembly framework for binary analysis and reversing, with support
    for many architectures and bindings in several languages.
  • codebro – Web based code browser using clang to provide basic code analysis.
  • dnSpy – .NET assembly editor, decompiler and debugger.
  • Evan’s Debugger (EDB) – A modular debugger with a Qt GUI.
  • GDB – The GNU debugger.
  • GEF – GDB Enhanced Features, for exploiters and reverse engineers.
  • hackers-grep – A utility to search for strings in PE executables including imports, exports, and debug symbols.
  • IDA Pro – Windows disassembler and debugger, with a free evaluation version.
  • Immunity Debugger – Debugger for malware analysis and more, with a Python API.
  • ltrace – Dynamic analysis for Linux executables.
  • objdump – Part of GNU binutils, for static analysis of Linux binaries.
  • OllyDbg – An assembly-level debugger for Windows executables.
  • PANDA – Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis
  • PEDA – Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB, an enhanced display with added commands.
  • pestudio – Perform static analysis of Windows executables.
  • Process Monitor – Advanced monitoring tool for Windows programs.
  • Pyew – Python tool for malware analysis.
  • Radare2 – Reverse engineering framework, with debugger support.
  • SMRT – Sublime Malware Research Tool, a plugin for Sublime 3 to aid with malware analyis.
  • strace – Dynamic analysis for Linux executables.
  • Udis86 – Disassembler library and tool for x86 and x86_64.
  • Vivisect – Python tool for malware analysis.
  • X64dbg – An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S


@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S changed their display name from A T M O S to G⃣A⃣D⃣G⃣E⃣T⃣_⃣A⃣D⃣D⃣R⃣ ⃣=⃣ ⃣"⃣\⃣x⃣b⃣5⃣\⃣x⃣4⃣d⃣"⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣N⃣O⃣P⃣ ⃣=⃣ ⃣"⃣\⃣x⃣E⃣B⃣"⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣3⃣D⃣ ⃣"⃣W⃣ₙ⃣.⃣ₐ⃣ₛ⃣ₘ⃣(⃣"⃣ᵣ⃣ₑ⃣ₜ⃣"⃣)⃣ ⃣ᵣ⃣ₑ⃣ₜ⃣ᵤ⃣ᵣ⃣ₙ⃣ ⃣ₚ⃣ₐ⃣y⃣ₗ⃣ₒ⃣ₐ⃣d⃣ ⃣+⃣ ⃣ₛ⃣ₑ⃣ₜ⃣ᵤ⃣ₚ⃣ ⃣.20:22:11
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S set a profile picture.20:22:36
@1bskdt259t378jdj4c1b6fhdwex9qg1yjm:openintents.modular.imPrivy joined the room.20:41:06
@kayos:hotline.blin.ggkayos invited @kayos:shoota.clubkayos__shoota.21:56:50
@kayos:hotline.blin.ggkayos invited @ra:shoota.clubRa.21:56:54
@ra:shoota.clubRa joined the room.21:57:00
@kayos:shoota.clubkayos__shoota joined the room.21:57:16
5 Jan 2020
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S changed their display name from G⃣A⃣D⃣G⃣E⃣T⃣_⃣A⃣D⃣D⃣R⃣ ⃣=⃣ ⃣"⃣\⃣x⃣b⃣5⃣\⃣x⃣4⃣d⃣"⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣N⃣O⃣P⃣ ⃣=⃣ ⃣"⃣\⃣x⃣E⃣B⃣"⃣ ⃣ ⃣ ⃣3⃣D⃣ ⃣"⃣W⃣ₙ⃣.⃣ₐ⃣ₛ⃣ₘ⃣(⃣"⃣ᵣ⃣ₑ⃣ₜ⃣"⃣)⃣ ⃣ᵣ⃣ₑ⃣ₜ⃣ᵤ⃣ᵣ⃣ₙ⃣ ⃣ₚ⃣ₐ⃣y⃣ₗ⃣ₒ⃣ₐ⃣d⃣ ⃣+⃣ ⃣ₛ⃣ₑ⃣ₜ⃣ᵤ⃣ₚ⃣ ⃣ to A T M O S.00:10:12
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S changed their profile picture.00:15:11
@jose_mala:matrix.org@jose_mala:matrix.org joined the room.02:55:55
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O Shttps://github.com/matrix-org/libp2p-http-rpc04:19:51
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imA T M O S the irc is up now , privy.cafe port 6697 password dg4lprivy and our demonsaw router as well privy.cafe port 8080 using the same password 13:37:59
@tonyteni:matrix.org@tonyteni:matrix.org joined the room.17:55:27

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