
Riot Android

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Riot and matrix-android-sdk discussion | dev build: https://buildkite.com/matrix-dot-org/riot-android/builds/latest?branch=develop&state=passed - click on *Assemble Debug version* then on *Artifacts* | become a beta tester: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/im.vector.app1335 Servers

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26 Nov 2019
@takeitdowntommy:thomcat.rockstakeitdowntommyGoogle: Okay, sending message.15:15:25
@valere35:matrix.orgvalereRiot is in maintenance, please contribute to riotX15:15:25
@takeitdowntommy:thomcat.rockstakeitdowntommyRight on, I'll do it there15:15:40
@valere35:matrix.orgvalereThanks 🙌15:16:09
@takeitdowntommy:thomcat.rockstakeitdowntommy left the room.15:26:32
@johnsmithsfcc:matrix.orgjohnsmithsfcc joined the room.15:27:45
@autismsandwich:matrix.orgAutismSandwich joined the room.15:29:49
@danmoi:matrix.orgdanmoi joined the room.16:45:59
@dtzWill:matrix.orgdtz joined the room.17:44:47
@suze_k:matrix.orgsuze_k joined the room.18:45:11
@eaburdick3:matrix.rdash.inDakota Whitevalley left the room.19:24:13
@ryan:campbellr.caRyan changed their profile picture.19:53:15
@zunaa:snopyta.orgzunaa changed their profile picture.21:16:48
@iznogud78:matrix.orgIzNoGud78 joined the room.22:15:09
@simon.naab:stusta.desn joined the room.22:36:53
@afv:matrix.orgAndré joined the room.22:56:59
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatSo, I just tried to call a friend of mine (android to android) and I was waiting for a really long time while friend said he only saw the call accept/deny screen for a couple of seconds (which resulted in a missed call). What could be the cause of that?23:21:04
27 Nov 2019
@casbortree:matrix.orgcasbortree joined the room.02:57:19
@erAck:matrix.orgerAck joined the room.03:00:40
@nileshtr:matrix.orgnileshtr joined the room.05:10:34

So, I saw this newly launched messaging app for families by ex-facebookers: https://cocoon.com/
As expected, this is not open-source and lacks end-to-end encryption. Since I'm a reasonably good mobile developers, I'm thinking of building a better alternative.


If I use Matrix protocol, would there be any limitations?
Could I build this on top of Riot-android or RiotX?
If yes, how do I go about keeping the core protocol logic, but changing the UI to optimize for a closed-group experience?
My framework of choice is Flutter. Would I run into any limitations with this?
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR nileshtr: please don't cross post. 05:11:28
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR though #matrix:matrix.org is probably a better place to ask than either of these riot rooms 05:12:16
@jackvt93:matrix.orgVÅ© joined the room.07:52:45
@riolf:matrix.orgriolf joined the room.08:07:15
@phicoh:matrix.hq.phicoh.netphicoh joined the room.09:48:32
@riotrix:matrix.orgriotrix joined the room.10:02:06
@hallogallo:matrix.orgmiri joined the room.12:31:48
@ledarthsquidward:matrix.orgTheDarthSquidward joined the room.13:08:47

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