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9 Jun 2024
@haugh:matrix.org½thanks for your help as always19:47:40
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domoh wow there's an getAbsoluteCentre command19:48:24
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domyou should use that, it will make your life much easier19:48:34
10 Jun 2024
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisie joined the room.11:52:10
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisie Hello 👋
I'm looking to add LWN comment folding to my bindings, currently the closest I got was by using [class="CommentTitle"] as a selector. Unfortunately, unlike my Reddit/HN/Lobsters version of this hint, this targets the entire title of a comment, rather than the [-] button on the side. It looks like the button itself is on the ::before pseudo-element: is there a way to select only the pseudo-element?
In reply to @ambroisie:belanyi.fr
Hello 👋
I'm looking to add LWN comment folding to my bindings, currently the closest I got was by using [class="CommentTitle"] as a selector. Unfortunately, unlike my Reddit/HN/Lobsters version of this hint, this targets the entire title of a comment, rather than the [-] button on the side. It looks like the button itself is on the ::before pseudo-element: is there a way to select only the pseudo-element?
does [class...]::before not work?
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisie Didn't work when I tried it, I'm currently away from my Firefox so I can't test it
But trying it with document.querySelectorAll didn't work
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisieAccording to SO, another API should be used for pseudo elements, that's why I'm wondering if there's a different flag or something in tridactyl 13:30:39
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domlemme take a look13:45:39
In reply to @ambroisie:belanyi.fr
Hello 👋
I'm looking to add LWN comment folding to my bindings, currently the closest I got was by using [class="CommentTitle"] as a selector. Unfortunately, unlike my Reddit/HN/Lobsters version of this hint, this targets the entire title of a comment, rather than the [-] button on the side. It looks like the button itself is on the ::before pseudo-element: is there a way to select only the pseudo-element?
:hint -c [class="CommentTitle"] does select the whole title but the hint works fine
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domAre you trying to fix it just for aesthetics?14:04:29
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisieYes it's just for aesthetics 14:04:50
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisieAlso, might be useful knowledge in the future 14:05:11
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI think we'd need to rewrite how hinting works considerably 14:11:38
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domcurrently hints take elements, paint them and do stuff with the selected one14:11:59
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domwe'd need to change it to take elements, do some function on all the elements (e.g. to paint them), and then do stuff with the selected element14:12:43
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domif we did that it would be as simple as changing the ::before CSS on the elements but I am reluctant to make that change because I think yours is maybe the only use case14:14:47
@zrck:matrix.org@zrck:matrix.org left the room.15:45:11
@geoma:matrix.orggeoma joined the room.16:43:49
11 Jun 2024
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-m bovine3dom: suppose que je te dit que je m'oppose à la guerre en tant qu'américan. Penserais-tu que je m'aligne avec la droite ou la gauche? 23:00:36
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-m je te demande ça parse que j'ai demande le même question à un français et ils a mdr parse que ils avaient pensé que c'étais évident 23:08:47
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-mmais, je pense que même en france ils s'opposent à la guerre sur les deux côtés, no?23:11:16
12 Jun 2024
In reply to @ash-m:matrix.org
bovine3dom: suppose que je te dit que je m'oppose à la guerre en tant qu'américan. Penserais-tu que je m'aligne avec la droite ou la gauche?

quelle guerre

I think in general the left wing parties are more anti-war, but it differs on a case-by-case basis

13 Jun 2024
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org

quelle guerre

I think in general the left wing parties are more anti-war, but it differs on a case-by-case basis

I meant just "war", but I've been told you can't have a article-less noun in french ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domit is a flaw in the language17:01:34
15 Jun 2024
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
it is a flaw in the language
Don't start me on french language please 😬
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxl How is the reader mode supposed to work ? Last time you left the old version but according to the documentation you chose to set the new as default (according to the documentation) moz-extension://af137682-8c4f-487a-8c5e-447bd213a16e/static/docs/modules/src_excmds.html#reader 06:57:40
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxl but when i gr i get the firefox default mode, is there a configuration for this ? 06:58:08

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