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3 Jun 2024
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-m * il y n'a pas une façon à searcher tout les fenêtres pour un titre? comme je puis searcher les tabs avec :b 17:04:12
In reply to @ash-m:matrix.org
there isn't a way to search all windows for a title is there? like how I can search tabs with :b
press B rather than b
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domor :taball rather than :tab17:56:07
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-mdoes the expression, "is there a way to" exist in French?20:35:42
4 Jun 2024
In reply to @ash-m:matrix.org
does the expression, "is there a way to" exist in French?

not word-for-word but what you said was close

est qu'il y a une façon de...


est qu'il y a un moyen de...

@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dom* not word-for-word but what you said was close est-ce qu'il y a une façon de... or est-ce qu'il y a un moyen de... 07:10:51
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domyou have some grammatical mistakes though i think the biggest is that "tout" should be plural and feminine so "toutes" the idea that "all" can be singular is a bit mind-bending but just don't think about it too much07:13:53
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
you have some grammatical mistakes though

i think the biggest is that "tout" should be plural and feminine so "toutes"

the idea that "all" can be singular is a bit mind-bending but just don't think about it too much
ah yes... I guess "all (pieces) of an item" = tout? "tout le monde" peutetre
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
you have some grammatical mistakes though

i think the biggest is that "tout" should be plural and feminine so "toutes"

the idea that "all" can be singular is a bit mind-bending but just don't think about it too much
* ah yes... I guess "all (pieces) of an item" = tout? "tout le monde" peut être
8 Jun 2024
@sahinakkaya:matrix.orgŞahin Akkaya removed their profile picture.18:44:48
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it) changed their display name from jacksonchen666 (they/it/he) to jacksonchen666 (they/it).23:37:36
9 Jun 2024
@007harshmahajan:matrix.org007harshmahajan joined the room.14:23:23
@haugh:matrix.org½ Does anyone know how to focus an embedded youtube video such that you can use the youtube hotkeys? I think I've tried hint -; against all the relevant html elements. 19:29:51
In reply to @haugh:matrix.org
Does anyone know how to focus an embedded youtube video such that you can use the youtube hotkeys? I think I've tried hint -; against all the relevant html elements.
Iirc it's an iframe so we can't do this "cleverly"
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domif you're patient enough you could make a script with :js and tri.excmds.native that finds the player element, gets the middle of it relative to the screen and then tells xdotool to click on it19:41:53
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domcheck what `;x` is bound to for inspiration 19:42:09
@haugh:matrix.org½iframes strike again! thanks for confirming19:42:38
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dommaking a hint mode that does the same would also work19:42:42
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domout of interest have you tried ;x19:42:49
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domIt might "just work" if you're lucky 19:43:01
@haugh:matrix.org½ would excluding something ever allow an element to show up which wasn't already hinted by a raw hint -;? 19:44:04
@haugh:matrix.org½intuitively the only reason this would be the case is if I was somehow hitting the limit for the number of elements that could be highlighted, which I doubt19:44:49
@haugh:matrix.org½ oh whoops I was thinking of hint -x 19:46:10
@haugh:matrix.org½ I don't have a binding for ;x, maybe I nuked it? 19:46:48
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dom;x is bound to an xdotool hint mode on linux19:46:51
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dommaybe you aren't using Linux 19:46:57
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domIt's usually a safe assumption for tridactyl users :)19:47:15
@haugh:matrix.org½I might have just got rid of it, my config is a warzone19:47:27
@haugh:matrix.org½I get the idea though19:47:33

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