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19 Apr 2024
@haugh:matrix.org½ oh, I found browser.quitShortcut.disabled in firefox config and setting that to true fixes this for me! 03:09:30
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com
is there a way to open the menu for an extension while having the firefox gui disabled? like if i want to toggle dark reader on a webpage without having tabs or an addressbar of any kind, can I?
I'm not sure, I set mine to auto hide so I can still access the address bar
In reply to @haugh:matrix.org
I tried to use this to override ` ` (which, for the uninitiated, closes all your windows) but it seems this is one of FF's *special* bindings? I can override ` ` (no shift) just fine.
oh wow i didn't know, sorry, i picked one at random that i thought wasn't bound to anything
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223Yeah I'm doing this right now but I keep using the GUI instead of tridactyl just from muscle memory. If it wasn't there I would stop doing that and get more comfortable using b and J and K to navigate tabs or o to search. 10:57:30
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223Was using Vieb yesterday and it does this through direct integration with dark reader in the command line so if I want to disable it I say :set darkreader=false10:59:56
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223There is a Firefox limitation that stops tridactyl from interacting with extensions in that way, yes? 11:00:32
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI'm not familiar with vieb but we can only talk to extensions that built an interface to allow other extensions to talk to them (which is roughly TST and nothing else)15:27:02
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
I'm not familiar with vieb but we can only talk to extensions that built an interface to allow other extensions to talk to them (which is roughly TST and nothing else)
electron based web browser built solely around having vimlike navigation
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223similar idea to qutebrowser15:27:35
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223its very cool and you should look at it15:27:41
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com
Was using Vieb yesterday and it does this through direct integration with dark reader in the command line so if I want to disable it I say :set darkreader=false

:bind <C-t> tabopen

or if you want to retrain your muscle memory quickly bind it to qall to quit Firefox every time you slip up :)

In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com
its very cool and you should look at it
they seem to be re implementing every single necessary extension manually and building that into the browser instead of trying to build an extensions system, and have gotten pretty far, which is crazy to me.
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org

:bind <C-t> tabopen

or if you want to retrain your muscle memory quickly bind it to qall to quit Firefox every time you slip up :)

I have set this bind! I often do this with ctrl + l too, so i guess ill just set that to open?
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223is there an edit current url command?15:31:06

like if i wanted to go from


@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domO opens :open with the current URL prefilled15:35:40
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domT/W for tabs/windows15:35:48
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223Have you considered having your own firefox fork which removes all the limitations on what tridactyl can do ?15:38:06

cause it currently cant run on:
loading pages
extension pages
about:newtab / about:preferences type pages
by default, the firefox addon store

and i imagine there are a ton of other limitations associated with operating purely as a browser addon

@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223or would forking firefox not allow you to solve that?15:40:12
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domwe would have to fork Firefox and then also make a new web extension API for it15:45:41
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI am not remotely tempted15:46:01
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domUsing something like servo to make a qutebrowser-alike would be cool but a lot of work15:46:34
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domif i was personally really upset by those limitations i would use qutebrowser 15:47:12
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
if i was personally really upset by those limitations i would use qutebrowser
then you have all the limitations that qutebrowser has though
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223which are really really annoying15:47:31
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domqutebrowser is much nicer if you have a very slow internet connection 15:47:37
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com
which are really really annoying
"i cant change the options of my extensions without using a mouse" is a much smaller problem than "I can't install extensions", im not really willing to live off purely userscripts.
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223i would go vieb over qutebrowser any day15:48:56

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