
GrapheneOS Testing

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Room for discussing and providing feedback on GrapheneOS Beta releases to help the project with testing releases and avoiding issues making it to the Stable channel.229 Servers

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10 Jun 2021
@fomijafi:matrix.orgfomijafiI'm confused by the indicators conversation. Where should I see indicators for the auto reboot feature17:48:03
@fomijafi:matrix.orgfomijafiOh I'm a dummy. You mean camera indicators yea?17:48:28
@faba:matrix.orgfaba joined the room.17:49:27
In reply to @fomijafi:matrix.org
Oh I'm a dummy. You mean camera indicators yea?
Yeah 😁
@fomijafi:matrix.orgfomijafiSheesh. Yes working fine on blueline17:50:52
@the_lone_wanderer:matrix.orgThe Lone Wanderer joined the room.17:57:13
@-marcel-:matrix.org-marcel- joined the room.20:03:11
11 Jun 2021
@vulovic:matrix.orgGoran Vulovic joined the room.00:07:31
@myworld010:matrix.orgShepherdBtw the the bug where I could see trough lockscreen when ending sessions is gone ( https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker/issues/435 )05:38:43
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"How do you reproduce that bug before btw?06:20:10
@myworld010:matrix.orgShepherdI dont even know myself. It just happens sometimes when ending sessions. On 4a07:51:34
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"
In reply to @myworld010:matrix.org
Btw the the bug where I could see trough lockscreen when ending sessions is gone ( https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker/issues/435 )
Seemed like it has yet to be seen on long usage if it's truly gone
@eassen496:matrix.orgeassen496Maybe the dual cameras are not supported on GrapheneOS10:15:03
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"
In reply to @eassen496:matrix.org
Maybe the dual cameras are not supported on GrapheneOS
Nah, it doesn't work on stock too, see the issue tracker
@eassen496:matrix.orgeassen496On stock OS it was working for me10:15:58
@eassen496:matrix.orgeassen496I was using Gcam 7.410:16:17
@eassen496:matrix.orgeassen496Not gcam 810:16:22
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"Gcam is not supported in the first place in GrapheneOS10:17:28
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"
In reply to @leeya:kde.org
Nah, it doesn't work on stock too, see the issue tracker


Oh, it referred to Open Camera

@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"
In reply to @eassen496:matrix.org
Maybe the dual cameras are not supported on GrapheneOS
Can you try the app built here to see if this is the case: https://github.com/Adriankhl/opencameraR
In reply to @leeya:kde.org
Can you try the app built here to see if this is the case: https://github.com/Adriankhl/opencameraR
Yes sute
@eassen496:matrix.orgeassen496Nope, doesn't work :/12:11:47
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"Redacted or Malformed Event13:11:19
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"
In reply to @eassen496:matrix.org
Nope, doesn't work :/
Ah, thanks for the info
@strcat:grapheneos.orgstrcatcamera apps work the same on stock and GrapheneOS13:13:15
@strcat:grapheneos.orgstrcatOpen Camera doesn't support that extra camera13:13:23
@strcat:grapheneos.orgstrcatneither does AOSP Camera13:13:28
@strcat:grapheneos.orgstrcatnot an OS issue13:13:30
@leeya:kde.org"iT'5 n0t c0nV1nCing b3c@u$E wE sAiD s0!" - "trustworthy" community members or "experts"Any apps to test this switching to extra camera (at least to point it out that it is indeed not an OS issue)?13:15:45

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