
FLiP Community

707 Members
Friendly Linux Players is an inclusive online gaming community of Linux enthusiasts. We aim to be welcoming to all who would want to join us, provided our Code of Conduct is adhered to. See the website for more information: https://friendlylinuxplayers.org/64 Servers

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18 Feb 2024
@calico:cat.casaTricolored Fluffball set their display name to Ball of Fluff.14:52:24
@ambeno:catgirl.cloudambeno changed their profile picture.21:04:03
@continuewith345:matrix.org@continuewith345:matrix.org left the room.21:58:02
19 Feb 2024
@calico:cat.casaTricolored Fluffball removed their display name Ball of Fluff.02:46:19
@calico:cat.casaTricolored Fluffball set their display name to Tricolored Ball of Fluff.02:51:10
@a:the-apothecary.clubArgon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (old edition) changed their display name from Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (1²/₉ partners per tail edition) to Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (🚫🎧 edition).13:31:02
@joe:joeth.ukJoe changed their display name from joe to Joe.14:02:27
@a:the-apothecary.clubArgon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (old edition) changed their display name from Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (🚫🎧 edition) to Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (RIP, Trueffel, you will be missed.).17:27:26
@stegosaur1280:matrix.orgSteg joined the room.22:54:26
20 Feb 2024
@continuewith345:matrix.org@continuewith345:matrix.org joined the room.01:49:24
21 Feb 2024
@continuewith345:matrix.org@continuewith345:matrix.org joined the room.11:13:25
@continuewith345:matrix.org@continuewith345:matrix.org left the room.11:13:29
@a:the-apothecary.clubArgon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (old edition) changed their display name from Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (RIP, Trueffel, you will be missed.) to Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (space core edition).18:44:32
@592:flip.earth592 joined the room.21:25:49
@stegosaur1280:matrix.orgSteg changed their display name from stegosaur1280 to Steg.21:52:46
22 Feb 2024
@calico:cat.casaTricolored Fluffball changed their display name from Tricolored Ball of Fluff to Tricolored Fluffball.13:52:36
@pennylescroche:matrix.orgpennylescroche joined the room.14:10:09
@podwalkmod1:matrix.orgpodwalkmod1 joined the room.14:12:16
@podwalkmod1:matrix.orgpodwalkmod1 left the room.14:13:10
@hlopcik13:matrix.org@Dad_love_child_assss changed their profile picture.18:08:46
@grantorinowhiskey:matrix.orggrantorinowhiskey left the room.21:18:27
23 Feb 2024
@593:flip.earth593 joined the room.18:45:36
@594:flip.earth594 joined the room.21:14:52
24 Feb 2024
@r-zan:matrix.org@r-zan:matrix.org joined the room.04:17:08
25 Feb 2024
@hikari:catgirl.cloudBridget / Lina changed their profile picture.09:53:19
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru left the room.09:53:59
@helelena:matrix.orghelelena joined the room.20:33:33
26 Feb 2024
@piwalker:piwalker.netpiwalker joined the room.20:20:56
@595:flip.earth595 joined the room.21:34:35
@splice23:matrix.orgsplice23 joined the room.22:18:53

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