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31 May 2021
@aja:mozilla.orgaja sideshowbarker: OFC, perfectly obvious! 16:16:53
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulC joined the room.16:37:37
In reply to @fbraun:mozilla.org
(matrix is not very forgiving with lost passwords. the account is forever lost when you don't haven an email address set)
Well, you can ask your homeserver admin to manually intervene, but that's easier with small servers.
@lucacasonato:matrix.orglucacasonato joined the room.17:05:34
1 Jun 2021
@bakkot:matrix.orgbakkotI made a bot for rendering better (i.e., linkable) logs for matrix channels, for tc39's use. if ya'll would like I can have it do this channel too. currently logs are at https://bakkot.github.io/matrix-logs/, or you can run it yourself from https://github.com/bakkot/matrix-archive-bot01:25:10
@bakkot:matrix.orgbakkotlogs are going to be a bit behind because I'm not bothering to have it monitor continuously 01:26:35
In reply to @bakkot:matrix.org
I made a bot for rendering better (i.e., linkable) logs for matrix channels, for tc39's use. if ya'll would like I can have it do this channel too. currently logs are at https://bakkot.github.io/matrix-logs/, or you can run it yourself from https://github.com/bakkot/matrix-archive-bot
It'd be great to have it log this channel too
@bakkot-logbot:matrix.orgbakkot-logbot joined the room.02:52:12
@bakkot:matrix.orgbakkotDone: https://bakkot.github.io/matrix-logs/WHATWG/02:53:45
In reply to @bakkot:matrix.org
Done: https://bakkot.github.io/matrix-logs/WHATWG/
thanks much
@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org@sideshowbarker:mozilla.orgFor anybody here interested in helping improve content at MDN, https://github.com/mdn/content/issues/5523 is maybe a good first issue that would probably take only 30 minutes or so of work04:54:22

The work would be writing some additional text that elaborates on the following statement:

Setting the value of location.href navigates to the provided URL. If you want redirection, use location.replace()

In reply to @annevk:mozilla.org
zcorpan_: there was already a zcorpan without underscore? :-)
Yes. I signed up in 2019. Since then the account has been deactivated, not sure why. Don't know if it's possible to reactivate it :-(
@annevk:mozilla.org@annevk:mozilla.org zcorpan_: ah, sucks. You could probably find another server as well if you want and get an account there, but not sure how much effort you want to put into it. 07:48:47
@zcorpan_:matrix.orgzcorpan annevk: I'll wait until someone tells me it's possible to reclaim the old name :) 07:51:28
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCWell, you can still change your display name to one without the underscore.07:53:50
@zcorpan_:matrix.orgzcorpan changed their display name from zcorpan_ to zcorpan.07:55:14
@zcorpan_:matrix.orgzcorpan set a profile picture.07:55:14
@edgarchen:matrix.orgEdgar Chen joined the room.07:56:02
@gsnedders:mozilla.orgSam Sneddon [:gsnedders] joined the room.09:57:37
@gsnedders:mozilla.orgSam Sneddon [:gsnedders] changed their display name from gsnedders to Sam Sneddon [:gsnedders].10:17:00
@gsnedders:mozilla.orgSam Sneddon [:gsnedders] set a profile picture.10:17:20
@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org heya Sam Sneddon [:gsnedders] 10:37:17
@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org annevk: if/when you have time, it would be good to have a comment from you at https://github.com/mdn/content/issues/5501 10:37:37
@annevk:mozilla.org@annevk:mozilla.orgI wish Matrix had "done" / "ack" / "this" / etc. reactions besides emoji.10:44:39
In reply to @annevk:mozilla.org
I wish Matrix had "done" / "ack" / "this" / etc. reactions besides emoji.
@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org@sideshowbarker:mozilla.orgPer that discussion, you can do it already in some Matrix clients11:48:13
@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org@sideshowbarker:mozilla.org...just not in Element11:48:38

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