

364 Members
6 Servers

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2 Jan 2024
@_discord_845612114148458527:t2bot.iopokomams 12:00:11
@_discord_678299395690856516:t2bot.iomax775 joined the room.20:02:54
3 Jan 2024
@_discord_678299395690856516:t2bot.iomax775 10:49:49
4 Jan 2024
@_discord_205806659224862720:t2bot.ioNekzuris (Vosges) joined the room.23:44:47
5 Jan 2024
@_discord_607582957091160065:t2bot.iosossolf_0058 joined the room.00:03:28
@_discord_812816337432084560:t2bot.ioKrystof64 joined the room.10:32:49
6 Jan 2024
@_discord_632610995470204938:t2bot.io3615remy changed their display name from remy56k#0 to 3615remy.11:37:56
8 Jan 2024
@_discord_303248481395671040:t2bot.ioCayenne (Niort 79) 10:55:33
@_discord_1105145762347765760:t2bot.iodjjf1975 joined the room.16:44:39
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_337226829503135756:t2bot.iobast13b changed their display name from Bast13 to bast13b.20:08:27
10 Jan 2024
@_discord_316242055082803200:t2bot.ioleofra31 (Toulouse) joined the room.09:30:41
@_discord_1128672144801403033:t2bot.iolmagreault joined the room.14:30:06
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_1047133796438396979:t2bot.io_azerty1234 joined the room.16:00:15
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_357676229144346628:t2bot.ioFezzesOrBowties (Poitou 79) joined the room.16:07:16
@_discord_357676229144346628:t2bot.ioFezzesOrBowties (Poitou 79) changed their display name from fezzesorbowties to FezzesOrBowties (Poitou 79).16:49:26
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_812816337432084560:t2bot.ioKrystof64 changed their display name from krystof2601 to Krystof64.05:16:56
22 Jan 2024
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) joined the room.18:33:10
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) changed their display name from cayenne17 to Cayenne17 (Niort 79).20:35:29
@caillou15:matrix.orgcaillou15 (Poitou - 86) joined the room.21:22:39
@caillou15:matrix.orgcaillou15 (Poitou - 86) changed their display name from caillou15 to caillou15 (Poitou - 86).21:26:08
6 Apr 2024
@m-martin:matrix.orgMatthieu Martin joined the room.21:01:47
13 May 2024
@rybusy:tedomum.net@rybusy:tedomum.net left the room.14:27:16
16 May 2024
@erics67:matrix.orgerics67 set a profile picture.07:49:32
18 May 2024
@mathieuthouvenel:matrix.orgmathieu joined the room.16:48:46
10 Jul 2024
@benoit.dietz:matrix.orgben joined the room.12:20:15
11 Jul 2024
@adrien_hegy:matrix.orgAdrien Hegy joined the room.20:01:18
16 Jul 2024
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.14:55:49
19 Jul 2024
@wennni:matrix.orgwennni joined the room.14:24:40
20 Jul 2024
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) changed their display name from Cayenne17 (Niort 79) to "Cayenne17 (Niort 79)".10:04:23
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) changed their display name from "Cayenne17 (Niort 79)" to Cayenne17 (Niort 79).10:04:44

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