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1 May 2024
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101sorry to clarify: I think subspawn fails eagerly today, though with a substandard exception being thrown19:51:44
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusI just had to fix another goddamn chdir issue in popen and I don't want to ever do that again19:51:48
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusI will play with it and maybe it's basically good enough19:52:01
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusif you can sort out a release that has popen in it that will be done19:52:24
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101I bet if you manually delete your arch from ffi-binary-* it would be straightforward to test19:52:48
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101JK if you are on mac just use
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit1010.5.1.1 was M1 mac fixes: https://github.com/byteit101/subspawn/commits/lfp-
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusoh does that pull in the builtin replacements?20:01:10
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit1010.5.1.0 had a broken mac build of lfp, so lfp won't load. If you want to test fallback behavior today, you can use that version to see what is thrown20:01:57
@headius:matrix.orgheadiuswe install this from gems so I would need a release for that, but I can test with a manual copy for now20:02:02
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusaha ok20:02:06
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusI can update that for sure then20:02:10
@headius:matrix.orgheadiuswe are aready on binding-lfp
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusI mean binary20:03:46
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusnot binding20:03:48
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusbinding only has currently20:04:05
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusit looks like lib/pom.rb is on latest of all the gems20:04:18
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101Yes. So if you want to test you can downgrade and it then magically wont have darwin arm64 builds in it to "simulate" not having the right arch20:04:20
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101for fallback20:04:24
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusohhh right20:04:27
@headius:matrix.orgheadiusI get it20:04:28
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit1010.5.1.1 has a darwin arm64 build in it20:04:44
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101the other option is to hack your local copy to delete the darwin arm64 build, but I figure changing versions is easier20:05:10
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101That way you can test Process.java (where subspawn is loaded, IIRC) and what exceptions need to be caught20:06:57
@byteit101:matrix.orgbyteit101wrong file. Ruby.java: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/blob/c7307300f14745015adebe2f66e8819c7104a0d0/core/src/main/java/org/jruby/Ruby.java#L55120:11:33
@enebo:matrix.orgeneboyay. I need to clean this up but I fixed a long-standing problem with bindings + dup20:29:13
@enebo:matrix.orgenebothe last two erb specs now pass20:29:57

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