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21 Feb 2020
@yaronk:matrix.orgyaronk(But maybe that's too insider-y.)20:53:41
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeno, that's perfecet20:53:54
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode * no, that's perfect20:53:58
@yaronk:matrix.orgyaronkBack about 10 years ago, Fandom, when they were Wikia, did allow SMW, and a bunch of their extensions used it; I think they gave it up because my Semantic Drilldown extension was slowing things down too much. :(20:55:07
@yaronk:matrix.orgyaronk * Back about 10 years ago, Fandom, when they were Wikia, did allow SMW, and a bunch of their wikis used it; I think they gave it up because my Semantic Drilldown extension was slowing things down too much. :(20:55:24
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode It's all yaronk 's fault. He's the reason we can't have nice things. 20:55:46
@yaronk:matrix.orgyaronkI regret nothing!!!!20:56:08
@yaronk:matrix.orgyaronkMegan might know more about that part too; I don't know if I ever got the full story.20:57:00
@rheingoldriver:matrix.orgrheingoldrivertheres about 200 Fandom wikis that use SMW still i think21:03:14
@rheingoldriver:matrix.orgrheingoldriverand new wikis aren't allowed to add it21:03:24
@rheingoldriver:matrix.orgrheingoldriverI'm not sure what the long-term plans are regarding Cargo/SMW/databasing in general - definitely it's seen as part of a minimum viable product for the platform, but afaik that's all that's been decided so far21:04:15
@rheingoldriver:matrix.orgrheingoldriverbut really I'm an external contractor, I only know answers to things I've asked because I want to make sure my own stuff won't break haha21:04:51
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshso we need to make a new semantic-beer-wiki.com ? Or should it be cargo-beer-wiki.com ?22:25:01
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamonbeer.wiki is available for the bargain price of $6,500.0022:29:14
24 Feb 2020
@yaronk:matrix.orgyaronkI feel like there's only one possible name for this site, which is Brewskipedia.01:52:27
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodewiki.beer is < $4001:54:11
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeor it would be01:54:48
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeif it were available01:54:54
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamonLooks like wiki.beer is $2,56501:57:11
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodehey, and beer.wiki is only 6250 now01:57:09
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI think we can wait them out01:57:21
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodebeers.garden is only $29.9901:58:46
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamonbrewskipedia.com is $8.8802:00:00
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeget it02:00:31
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeand then make the best wiki ever02:00:44
25 Feb 2020
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode cicalese: talked to Evita this AM. She has the official go-ahead to go to EMWCon and will need to get her talk approved. 16:01:13
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI talked to her about presenting a more indepth case-study of helping people put their stuff on a wiki since she said a lot of what she does is help people who come to her with processes that they think would benefit from what the wiki can do.16:05:46
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalesesounds good16:13:20

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